5th grade action
5th grade bench
5th graders finish
7th grade action
7th graders announced
7th grade bench
8th grade action
8th grade breakaway
9th grade huddle
9th graders prepare
Ayanna Willis
Amanda Best dances
Best Tui high five
Best from the left
Best Tui plan
Falcon seniors
Bran defends Bree Porter
Bree Boroughs
Bree Porter
Crystal Nybo
Devan feeds Amanda
Devan McComb
Briegan Sims
Young male fans
Hannah Horiatis
Jamie & Maia battle
Wyman defends Lavarias
9th graders battle JV
Jump ball
JV Action
Kacie Bullock
Kacie and Trey
Kayla Shrout
Keri and Trey
Kim Frost
Leander with juniors
Maddie & Katie jump
Wagner with youth
Maia & Jamie
Maia & Kirsten
9th graders play
Mallory Curtis
Meg Chapman
Molly Soliday
Nick Horiatis announces
Coach Nybo
Regan McComb
Sabin Keo
Seattle Farner / Meg Chapman
Seg with 5th graders
Seg Dances more
Seg Dances
Segadelli & Towslee
Segadelli with Kaylee
Madison Ramirez Ventrella
Coach Segadelli talks
Coach Segadelli
Stan and Victor
Summer Shooters
Tui Dances
Tui in stands
Tui with microphone
Ashley Tuiasosopo
Tom and Carmen
Ventrella family
Maggie and Devan