Lake Washington Kangaroos (L 2-3)
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Lee Johnson field

Pirtle looking to score

Garrett Derooy beats throw to 1st

Jordan Greek ready at 2nd base

Shelton gets brushed back

Ryan Shelton makes a throw from center

Dupart releases another pitch

Nick Pirtle steals second base

Fieser readies at 3rd base

Brett Miller started in right field

Nino stretches to make play

Pirtle stretches at 3rd base

Coach Agnew consults with Matt Beers

Garrett Derooy at shortstop

Dupart with another nice release

Dan Johansen at bat

Brent Miller on the mound

Huddle on the mound

Matt Beers behind the plate

Johansen thrown out at 1st

Fieser returns ball after turning the DP

Dan Ninomiya at the plate

Nick Pirtle between innings

Brent Miller pitching

Luke Fieser with catch along fence

Nino gets back just in time

Back to the dugout

John Fitzpatrick with a catch in left

Dan Johansen readies to bat

Brent Miller swings

Curtis Dupart in motion

Ryan Shelton gets a base hit

Fieser rounds 1st after base hit

Brett Miller with base hit

Dupart follows through at the mound

Curtis Dupart started on the mound

Luke Fieser runs out grounder

Agnew puts Miller on the mound

Jordan Greek steps to plate

Brent Miller studies the plate

Greek runs out a ground ball

Phil Hackney works in the bullpen

Dupart takes a big swing

Shortstop Garrett Derooy

Coach Hall talks with Matt Beers

Johansen greets Fitzpatrick

Falcon dugout

Jordan Greek takes a swing

Fieser on second

Fieser readies at 3rd base

Dupart warms up in right

Outfielders chat during pitching change

Miller gets the lead at first

Johansen and Ninomiya

Nino on 2nd

Nino takes grounder alone

Phil Hackney warms up his arm

Team huddle late in game

Nino makes another stop at 1st

Luke Fieser after base hit

Pirtle at third base

Ryan Shelton on the base paths

Post game handshakes